About Us

Our Staff

Learn more about each staff member’s role in the work and life of the Maine Conference and connect with us to get the resources and support you need.

Boards of Directors

Connect with the members of our Board of Directors, explore resolutions and documents from past meetings, and learn more about what projects and plans are coming up on the board’s agenda.


One way the Maine Conferences instigates change in our communities and makes commitments to hold us accountable for that change is by making resolutions. Learn more about our active and historic resolutions!

Our Congregations

Connect with congregations across the Maine Conference, read about recent projects and mission work, and find a congregation near you.

Associations and Committees on Ministry

Learn about the work and ministry of our Associations and Committees on Ministry, learn about new resources and upcoming meetings, and connect with our leaders.

Our Churches' Wider Mission

Each church in the Maine Conference is strongly encouraged to give a portion of their yearly budget to Our Churches’ Wider Mission (OCWM) basic support. Learn more about how to contribute and be “5 for 5”!